Heat.net has a strict privacy policy for its users. No personal information submitted to Heat.net will ever be used in any way, against the will of the user. When registering for the forums on this site, any information provided will be kept secure and confidential, and will never be provided to a third party for any reason whatsoever, unless by court order.
1. Implementation of Privacy Policy
Heat.net only collects information from its users that is freely provided. However, we do reserve the right to track and monitor normal website usage statistics such as IP address (for geographic location only), operating system and browser used by the visitor, length of visit, pages visited, method by which the visitor arrived to the site, and other standard measurables used by the majority of websites on the Internet. This information is only collected and analyzed by Heat.net in order to make improvements to the usability of the site. This information is only analyzed in bulk, and will never be provided to third parties, unless by court order.
2. Disclosure
Information submitted such as articles, reviews & comments will become property of Heat.net, to do with as pleased. However, individual information will never be disclosed to third parties without the express permission of the user.
3. Choice/Consent
As always, it is the individuals right and duty to remain fully aware of the information being submitted to a website. By submitting an article, review, or comments, an individual consents to release their opinions and viewpoints for use by Heat.net in any way, and they take full responsibility for their own opinions. Heat.net will not be legally responsible in any way for comments left by users that may libelous, defamatory or untrue in any way.